How To Make Time For Everything | 10 Potent Hacks

Time management can be a challenge, but with the right strategy you can make the most of your effort and optimize your time. Find out how! đŸ’„

Hey there! If you’re here, chances are, you’re on the same quest as many of us: trying to ace multiple aspects of life while struggling to keep everything in balance. You’re probably striving to optimize your time, giving your best shot but feeling like there’s something crucial missing—a solid strategy, perhaps?

We all grasp the importance of planning in theory, but when reality hits, that feeling of overwhelm often creeps in, and productivity seems to plateau. I totally get it because I’ve been there too! Racing to meet society’s definition of success, juggling countless commitments, and unintentionally sidelining those personal connections – it’s a hustle with no spare moments!

But, truth be told, that lifestyle has its limits—a reality check hit hard. Health took a nosedive, and that’s when I realized it was time to hit pause and take a deep dive into self-discovery, searching for that missing piece.

Now, let’s first unpack why this perpetual time crunch seems to have us in its grip in the subsequent section before diving into the potent hacks to reclaim our most precious asset—time. After all, making time for what truly matters is what it’s all about!

What We Spend Time On

In our daily lives, we often tackle important stuff like work, chores, and personal obligations.

But, we also find ourselves getting lost in less useful activities like scrolling through social media, binge-watching TV, playing video games, or aimlessly surfing online. These time-wasting activities can consume hours that could be better spent on meaningful pursuits.

So, before we jump into ways to get better at managing time, it’s smart to spend some time to figure out what’s eating up your time. That means sorting out what tasks are crucial and which ones are just wasting your precious minutes.

Why You Have “No Time”

We can now dig into why time slips away so easily. Let’s take a quick peek into why we sometimes struggle to manage our time wisely.

Lack Prioritization

Are you juggling too many balls and dropping most of them? Do you find it tough to set priorities and use your time wisely? Perhaps you find it hard to say no without feeling guilty. And get caught up in activities that don’t move the needle, like endlessly scrolling through social media, binge-watching TV shows, or attending unnecessary meetings.

Whichever the circumstance, we get stuck in a hamster wheel of inefficiency, constantly scrambling to keep up. This often boils down to poor decision-making about where we allocate our precious time.


Procrastination often prevents us from managing our time effectively. Our minds are easily influenced by the lure of immediate gratification, leading us to put off important tasks in favor of more enjoyable or less demanding activities. We tend to prioritize easy and trivial tasks over more difficult or tedious ones due to our natural bias towards instant gratification.

For instance, tasks such as organizing paperwork or cleaning the garage may seem boring and demanding. And scrolling through social media feels more appealing than tackling a challenging work project. However, this tendency leads to increased stress as deadlines approach or tasks pile up.

We tend to procrastinate when faced with tasks or responsibilities that don’t align with our interests. And we end up spending more time to tackle them. To compensate for the extra long time invested, we spend more time unwinding or indulging in non-productive pursuits, creating a cycle that drains us.

Lack Strategy

Without a clear-cut strategy or plan, tasks tend to take longer than they should, resulting in inefficiency. This absence of a structured approach makes tasks linger, stretching out the hours while yielding minimal progress.

Planning involves breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable steps, setting deadlines, and prioritizing them based on importance and urgency.

For example, planning could entail creating a daily to-do list outlining tasks such as grocery shopping, completing work assignments, or scheduling appointments.


10 Curated Time Management Hacks — Make Time For Everything!

Okay, let’s dive into resolving these time management troubles:


Alright, let’s kick things off with prioritization—an absolute gem that we’ve all heard about but somehow struggle to nail down. Strategizing and prioritizing your goals allow crafting of a practical plan, significantly lowering the activation energy required to get started and keep going.

First, we have to accept that trying to do everything often ends up achieving, well, nothing really substantial. So, avoid multitasking or taking on more than you can handle. The key is to zero in on the things that actually matter to us.

Use the Eisenhower matrix to prioritize the crucial over the merely urgent or unimportant matters.

Also consider employing the Domino method to stack tasks or goals by priority, difficulty and impact, focusing on one task at a time. By strategically completing small and simpler goals, it creates momentum and triggers a chain reaction to accomplishing more significant objectives, akin to how falling dominos topple larger ones.

To efficiently manage your time, level up your productivity, and make progress, figuring out why we’re doing something is a game-changer. Knowing our ‘why’ keeps us on track and motivated.

The first step towards your goal is always the hardest but make prioritization a daily habit!

Build Self-Discipline

Next up, let’s talk about discipline. By discipline, I don’t mean being strict and serious; but more about taking full ownership of our time without pushing the blame to others or external factors.

Become more conscious of how you allocate your time, recognize habits that could be refined, and seize opportunities for improvement. Knowing your priorities and setting some personal ground rules—think less social media, fewer phone checks, less Netflix—is like taking back control. And saying ‘no’ when needed? That’s a life-changer.

Meditation can really help; it amps up mindfulness, making us more intentional with our time.

Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.

Abraham Lincoln

Right-Size Tasks For Implementation

Third hack on our list—break down big goals into smaller, more manageable tasks; and plan a reasonable number of tasks for each day—these strategies enhance progress and achievability, boosting efficiency, and sustaining motivation.

Right-sizing tasks enables better allocation of your available time and resources. Remember, smart work beats hard work any day—tasks should be realistic and manageable.

And remember, pacing yourself is key. It’s all about the marathon, not the sprint. So, let’s slot in some self-care and slow down if things get overwhelming.

Establish A Time Management System

Now, let’s dive into the key hack of this list—establishing a system. This involves establishing an effective time management system integrating an array of tools and strategies, to help optimize how we organize, prioritize, and use our time to accomplish tasks and reach goals efficiently.

Critical elements of this system include goal setting, prioritization, task organization, scheduling, and regular reviews. While I’ll touch on these aspects here, for a deeper dive into this system, check out my post on achieving goals with a dream life blueprint!

An important point to note is to customize this system to fit your specific needs and preferences for maximum effectiveness.

Start by leveraging productivity tools such as calendars, planners, and task managers to help with your planning. Trust me, they’re game-changers, saving both time and energy. Also, cultivating the habit of planning ahead offers a comfortable head start, reducing stress and boosting momentum.

Another tip is to evaluate your time expenditure according to the task and identify any pockets of free time in your current schedule while you plan out your ideal day and week. This facilitates more planning and helps you make the most of those available moments.

Develop a calendar that works for you, complete with realistic task timings, essential routines and rituals to support instilling long-term habits. Don’t overlook the importance of regularly assessing your progress using checklists and periodic reviews!

Lastly, whenever possible, delegate tasks by assigning or outsourcing them, freeing up time for more critical, high-priority activities. Adopting a systematic approach fosters consistent action, essential for achieving long-term goals.

Remember, meaningful progress often requires sustained effort and time; it’s a journey rather than an immediate transformation.

Chronotype-Based Planning

Let’s dive into another vital aspect: our energy levels—the peaks and slumps that significantly affect how much we get done.

Ever heard of the concept called “chronotype”? It’s a biological clock dictating when you’re at your best—your prime productivity hours. Think of it as your unique schedule for being your most alert and active.

Once you unravel your chronotype, it’s like uncovering the secret code to your peak performance. This knowledge isn’t just cool; it’s incredibly useful too. Imagine organizing your day around these golden hours—those times when you’re naturally firing on all cylinders. It’s a game-changer!

You get to strategically plan tasks that need maximum focus during these times, supercharging your efficiency. By aligning your activities with these high-energy phases, you’ll rock your time management game, achieving more while feeling less drained.

On to our next hack—task batching. Divide your day into three time chunks, grouping similar tasks together within each chunk. Batching related activities reduces the need for frequent task-switching, which means better efficiency and time management.

And here’s the cool part—task batching not only streamlines your workflow but also encourages the cross-pollination of ideas, sparking unexpected insights and creative connections, further boosting productivity.

Consider these examples of task batching across various aspects of life:

  • Daily chores and errands:
    • Dedicate a particular day or time each week for household chores like cleaning, laundry, or grocery shopping.
    • Schedule a specific time for errands, banking, and routine tasks.
    • Prepare meals in batches by cooking large portions to freeze or planning and prepping ingredients for the week.
  • Work tasks:
    • Group similar work-related tasks together, such as scheduling meetings, administrative duties, or creative projects.
    • Designate specific time slots during the day to respond to emails, messages, and calls rather than checking them continuously.
  • Continuous Learning:
    • Allocate dedicated periods for reading or engaging in learning activities focused on particular subjects or skill sets.

Master Laser-Focus Attention

Focus is king, my friend. It’s all about giving full attention to what’s important.

Practice strategic and intentional allocation of your attention, and prioritize singular high-quality focus over multitasking to prevent overwhelm and sustain productivity.

Follow the ‘one-step-at-a-time’ mantra—focusing on one important task trumps working on numerous unimportant ones. Train yourself to stay focused and resist distractions and interruptions.

Practice self-awareness to identify procrastination triggers and exercise patience and consistency in controlling these urges. Remember, it’s not about being busy, it’s about being productive.

And consider giving the Pomodoro time management method a try if you’re struggling with focus. It works on the principle of working in focused bursts, known as Pomodoros, followed by short breaks. This structured cyclic approach of alternating work and breaks can boost concentration and reduce mental fatigue.

Maximize Time Pockets

Ever heard of “sukima-jikan”? It’s a Japanese term that embodies the concept of appreciating the gaps of time between tasks. It encourages us to seize the downtime in between activities, advocating for their significance in our daily lives. Though these spare moments may appear trivial and are easily overlooked, they hold significant value.

Think of these unoccupied gaps as opportunities for productive activities. Whether it’s brainstorming, jotting down ideas, or engaging in brief exercises, these intervals offer a chance for a fresh perspective. So, the next time you find yourself with some waiting time on your hands – whether it’s waiting in line or during your daily commute – consider using it wisely!

Some practical examples to make the most of these moments include reading a few pages of a book, quick stretches during work breaks for an energy boost or returning missed phone calls in between meetings.

Additionally, “sukima-jikan” can be excellent for tackling more significant tasks as well. Take learning a new language or studying for an exam, for instance. Breaking down these activities into smaller time chunks can actually make the process more manageable and even enjoyable.

While commuting, you could listen to a Japanese audiobook to practice your listening skills. Or, use the time in the shower to practice speaking some phrases. In this way, you’re breaking the tasks into smaller, less daunting parts. This approach not only lowers the complexity of the task but also makes it easier to incorporate into your daily routine. Plus, it adds a fun and practical element to your day!

While it may seem like “sukima-jikan” encourages multitasking, it’s actually about optimizing small time pockets without compromising focused attention from important tasks. Hence, it actually complements focused work. This approach maximizes your available time, and contributes to personal growth and productivity!

Stop Being a Worrywart

Have you ever been stuck in a loop of endless worry, where you ‘replay’ experiences or thoughts over and over again? Turns out, it’s just our minds trying to control things that are out of our hands. And let’s not forget about worrying what others think of us—it’s a huge time sink.

Here’s the solution—let go of that need for outside validation, detach yourself from the opinions of others, embrace your authentic self, and watch those worries fade away.

It is certainly easier said than done. But, know this, upon reflection, many of these worries will prove futile and unhelpful. Moreover, excessive worrying not only drains productivity but also negatively impacts our well-being.

The renowned Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius summed it up succinctly and wisely of the futile endeavor of attempting to control anything other than ourselves.

“You can control your mind, not outside events.”

Marcus Aurelius

Therefore, stop being hard-headed and free yourself from this mental burden.

Be Realistic & Flexible

Life throws curveballs when you least expect it! And that’s totally cool. Fact is, our plans can go wonky due to unexpected twists and turns. When that happens, instead of dwelling on the derailment, it’s often smarter to just shuffle things around and reschedule the task.

I’m all for planning, but we should not be too uptight about it. Flexibility is key. Be ready to adapt when life goes off-script.

Trying to juggle a zillion things at once is a one-way ticket to Burnoutville! Taking on too much actually slows us down and kills that motivation mojo. This is like trying to fit an elephant in a phone booth—overextending ourselves just doesn’t work and it is seldom worthwhile.

So, when you hit a wall or feel that resistance kicking in, it is okay to hit pause for a sec before returning to a task. Remember this rule; this is an especially important habit when working on complex or time-consuming tasks. Sometimes, slowing down strategically, taking a breather, brings fresh ideas to the table and gives us that extra oomph. It’s not a sprint; it’s a marathon, my friend. Pace yourself wisely, and you’ll be miles ahead on your goal-reaching journey!

RELATED POSTS: Interested in more tips on productivity? 🌟Check out my post on effective ways to stop procrastinating, get things done efficiently and advance in life!

The Time Is NOW

Implement these 10 hacks into your life right away to start leveling up your time management skills and accomplish more with less effort. Experience the transformative impact on your life, and you are all set to get ahead and thrive! đŸ”„

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