Simple Habits For Stress Management And Productivity That You May Not Know Of

Written by Michelle Ong | February 27, 2025 | Productivity, Wellness, Habits

We have all felt like there’s never enough time, and some priorities end up getting pushed aside. In this post, I’m sharing simple, lesser-known habits to reduce stress levels and boost productivity.

Stress is a constant in life. Bad work habits like multitasking and poor time management can increase stress and reduce productivity. As Hans Selye said: “It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” We can decide to allow stress to control us or we take charge. In this post, I’m sharing 10 simple hacks to help you manage stress and boost productivity.

1. Change Task Order by Energy Level

Match your tasks to your energy levels is a smart and simple strategy you can try. If you had sufficient sleep the night before, energy is typically highest at the start of the day, so it’s the perfect time to tackle the toughest tasks. As your energy dips, switch to easier, less draining tasks. This helps reduce fatigue and overwhelm, keeping stress away and boosting productivity.

💡Ever wondered why some people are better at managing stress? You can learn more in this post.

2. Work in Different Postures or Locations

Switching between sitting, standing, or even lying down while working is a great way to manage stress. Changing up your position helps refresh both your mind and body. Use apps to set reminders to switch things up every now and then to stay energized and reduce stress.

3. Adopt a “2-Minute Mini Break” Habit

Taking regular two-minute breaks has been a game-changer for me. Whether it’s stretching, grabbing a coffee, or moving around, it reduces eye strain, relieves muscle tension, and boosts focus. I set my smartwatch to remind me every 90 minutes to move. You can also use productivity apps for reminders—whatever works to keep you energized and focused.

4. Use the Pomodoro “Break Switch”

A popular method to boost productivity and prevent burnout is the Pomodoro technique. You work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. It’s simple but super effective! You can use apps like Forest or Pomodoro Timer to help you stick to this rhythm and stay on track.

💡Discover more productivity hacks in this post.

5. Micro-Meditations

Take just 1-2 minutes between tasks to close your eyes, focus on your breath, or clear your mind. It’s a quick reset for your mental energy that won’t disrupt your workflow.

6. Incorporate “sukima-jikan

Use small gaps, or sukima jikan, between tasks for simple, low-effort activities like tidying up or jotting down quick notes. This simple hack keeps your mind active without overloading it.

7. Listen to Relaxing Sounds

Low-stress audio like binaural beats (gentle tones that help your brain relax) and ambient sounds—like rustling leaves, rainfall, birds chirping, or waterfalls—can boost focus and keep you calm. They are great for staying relaxed during boring or repetitive tasks. Try adding them to your daily routine by listening while working, reading, or even during breaks to stay in the zone without stress.

8. Embrace the “Done for Now” Mentality

Ever heard of this phrase: “Perfection is the enemy of good”? Instead of chasing perfection, aim to complete tasks to a satisfactory level and move on. This helps avoid endless tweaking and decision fatigue.

9. Schedule “Unstructured Time”

Set aside time with no work or tasks planned—just let yourself do nothing if you want. Give yourself the freedom to go off-script during these moments. This helps spark creativity and gives your mind a chance to relax.

💡Check out this post for some helpful self-care tips.

10. Try a “Shutdown Ritual”

Set a routine to wrap up your workday—write down what you got done, how you felt, what you appreciated, or plan tomorrow’s tasks. This helps your brain switch off from work mode and keeps stress in check.

💡Need help creating routines? Check out this post.

Try These Hacks

“By changing nothing, nothing changes.” – Tony Robbins

How do you feel about the list above? Try and add them to your routine today!

💡Check out these posts for more tips on preventing burnout and coping with stress.

I hope you found this article helpful! Pin and share it with your family and friends so they can benefit from it too.

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