What Is Ikigai: Wisdom For A Fulfilling Life

Written by Michelle Ong | April 21, 2024 | Growth, Wellness

Discover how you can integrate ikigai into your everyday routine and way of living to experience personal growth and fulfillment.

Have you ever heard of ikigai? It’s a Japanese concept with a widely known reference to finding purpose and meaning in one’s life. Maybe you’ve heard people talk about it but aren’t quite sure what it means, how it relates to growth and fulfillment, or how it can make your life better. This article lays out what ikigai is in simple terms, helping you discover what truly brings you joy and purpose. It also serves as a guide on how you can incorporate this philosophy in your life, making it more fulfilling and happy. So, let’s explore how you can start living your best life with ikigai!

What Is Ikigai

Ikigai, a Japanese term, means doing something that brings value and happiness to your life, making each day worthwhile. Something worthwhile does not necessarily mean achieving big goals. It can also be about finding joy in the little things in life. Making someone smile, small acts that make you or others happy, or contributing to the greater good can all be considered your ikigai. Its literal meaning is doing anything that makes you feel fulfilled and brings meaning to your life.

Ikigai = One True Purpose In Life?

Ikigai has become a buzzword for finding your life’s purpose, suggesting that you need to discover that one thing to feel that your life has meaning. This concept suggests that everyone has a unique purpose in life, and once you discover it, success and happiness will follow. And that you can find your purpose in life in something that satisfies these four areas: your passion, vocation, mission, and profession. It’s about finding what you’re good at, what you enjoy and inspires you, and what helps society while earning a living.

It makes sense because knowing what you want, what your goals are can help motivate and fulfill you. Continuous effort is vital for progress in life, leading not only to tangible achievements but also to the discovery of meaning along the journey.

There’s a well-known analogy likening life to riding a bicycle. Just as one must keep pedaling to maintain balance, so too must we persist in our efforts to navigate the complexities of existence and find our purpose. So it naturally follows that if you can find and do something that satisfies all these four areas, it should theoretically increase your chances of finding meaning and fulfillment.

But on the flip side, what it also implies is that if you don’t find this calling, you’ll struggle and feel unsatisfied in life. Taking a step back, is it really true that everyone needs one purpose in life to be happy and fulfilled?

Ikigai Can Evolve Over Time

Also, some may interpret ikigai as a single unchanging purpose in life. That it’s one specific thing you have to figure out to be happy and fulfilled. But that might not be true for everyone. What makes you happy can change over time or based on your life circumstances. You might think there’s one thing you absolutely have to do to feel fulfilled at a particular moment in time. But what happens after you have done it? You might feel happy and fulfilled for a while, but that feeling won’t last forever.

What are you going to do then? What happens if one day you grow weary of your pursuit? Does it render all the effort and time invested as wasted? Is it realistic to expect that dedicating your life to a single purpose guarantees eternal meaning and fulfillment for everyone? And who says you can’t have more than one ikigai? You can have multiple things that bring you joy and fulfillment. Life is multi-faceted and one’s ikigai could reflect this dynamic nature by evolving alongside changing life circumstances and accommodating personal growth.

Ikigai = Self-expression

Your ikigai can be found in the simplest moments of daily life. It is about self-expression and what brings you joy or fulfillment. Think about those little things that make life feel good—whether it’s enjoying a quiet morning coffee, taking a walk in nature, helping a friend, or even just reading a good book. These everyday moments, often overlooked, are what make life meaningful.

There’s no universal list of what makes you happy—everyone’s ikigai is unique, in their own way. By recognizing and valuing these small joys, you can become more mindful, focusing on what truly brings happiness and fulfillment to your life.

Examples Of Ikigai In Daily Life

In a general sense, ikigai can be discovered in the simple, everyday activities we engage in. Here are some common examples to illustrate how you can find ikigai in your daily life. These are not extraordinary achievements but rather ordinary moments that can bring fulfillment and purpose. Compile a list of such activities, considering different aspects of your life. You can use the wheel of life as a reference for the eight broad areas of life, and note down “ikigai activities” under each area.

  1. Morning Routine: Starting the day with a cup of coffee or tea while enjoying the sunrise, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.
  2. Cooking: Preparing a delicious meal for yourself or loved ones, finding joy in the process of creating something nourishing and tasty.
  3. Exercise: Going for a morning jog or practicing yoga, connecting with your body and mind while improving your health.
  4. Gardening: Spending time tending to your garden, nurturing plants and flowers, and finding fulfillment in watching them grow.
  5. Reading: Immersing yourself in a good book, exploring different worlds, and gaining new knowledge or insights.
  6. Music: Playing an instrument or listening to your favorite songs, finding solace and joy in the melodies and rhythms.
  7. Art: Painting, drawing, or crafting, expressing yourself creatively and finding fulfillment in the process of creation.
  8. Volunteering: Helping out at a local charity or community organization, making a positive impact on others’ lives and feeling a sense of fulfillment.
  9. Writing: Keeping a journal, writing poetry, or blogging about your experiences and thoughts, finding catharsis and clarity through self-expression.
  10. Spending Time with Loved Ones: Having meaningful conversations with family and friends, sharing laughter and creating cherished memories together.
Check out the Pinterest pins below for more self-care ideas.

What Is Your Ikigai

Understanding what ikigai is and its transformative potential is the first step to discovering your own. To begin, focus on cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness. Keep a journal to reflect daily on what truly matters—note down what you enjoy, what brings you contentment, and what feels important. Pay attention to the little things, like chatting with a friend over tea or taking a peaceful walk in nature. Most importantly, don’t rush the process. Your ikigai will reveal itself in time.

Wondering how you can define your ikigai? Check out this post to explore how you can start your journey.

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