20 Bad Habits That Hold Us Back From Success

Written by Michelle Ong | March 20, 2024 | Growth, Wellness

Identify the 20 bad habits holding you back and clear your path to success.

Bad habits can hold us back from reaching our full potential, often developing due to a mix of environment, past experiences, and even genetics. Our brains crave comfort, making it easy to fall into patterns that offer short-term relief but harm us in the long run. Check out these posts for insights on why we tend to give up easily and how to rewire our brains to tackle difficult tasks.

Breaking free requires awareness and effort, but it opens doors to a more fulfilling life. Think of your thoughts as the steering wheel guiding your actions—negative thoughts often lead to bad habits. By becoming mindful of these thoughts, you can start to change them, clearing the way for better habits. Ready to uncover the top 20 bad habits that might be holding you back from success? Let’s dive in!

1. Addictions

Addictions like excessive drinking, smoking, gambling, overeating, binge-watching, or overspending often come to mind when we think of bad habits. These behaviors can seriously disrupt our health and happiness. When our well-being and mindset are out of balance, reaching our goals becomes much harder. That’s why it’s crucial to overcome these habits if we want to succeed in life.

2. No Purpose In Life

When we lack a clear sense of purpose and direction, it’s easy to get sidetracked by chasing external validation or material possessions, which can leave us feeling lost and unfulfilled. Without knowing what truly matters, we may give up at the first sign of difficulty, blocking our path to success.

Taking time for self-reflection is key to identifying our values and passions. By setting goals that align with our purpose and regularly reassessing them, we can stay focused on what’s meaningful and create a fulfilling life. Remember, purpose isn’t found—it’s created and shaped by our choices.

3. Fear Change

What makes change fearsome for many is the discomfort of leaving familiar routines and the anxiety of facing the unknown and possible failure. When these fears take over, we avoid taking risks or trying new things, which are crucial for growth and progress. This hesitation keeps us stuck in our comfort zones, missing out on valuable opportunities.

To overcome this fear, we need to anchor ourselves in the present moment and seize each opportunity as it comes. Remember, each moment is unique and irreplaceable—Ichigo ichie. By focusing on the now, we can move past our fears and set ourselves up for success.

For more on Zen philosophy, check out this earlier post.

4. Self-Doubt

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

When we constantly second-guess ourselves or dwell on past mistakes, it’s easy to become paralyzed, avoiding the risks and challenges necessary for growth.

But we can break this cycle. By letting go of past failures, practicing self-compassion, and learning from our experiences, we open ourselves to new opportunities. It’s important to push past our comfort zones and stay present, embracing each moment fully.

If self-doubt feels overwhelming, seeking support is okay. By fostering self-love and a growth mindset, we can overcome self-defeating habits and move toward a more fulfilling life.

Check out this article to discover some common self-sabotaging habits we might not even realize we’re doing.

Check out the Pinterest pins below for more self-improvement ideas.

5. Overthinking

Constantly replaying past mistakes or obsessing over potential problems can amplify worries and drain confidence. It’s like putting on blinders that only highlight the obstacles, making everything seem more complicated than it is. This tendency to overcomplicate matters can keep you stuck in your comfort zone, avoiding the changes needed for growth.

Instead, simplify your approach by letting go of overthinking and focusing on practical solutions. Embrace change and prioritize clarity to minimize mental clutter. By simplifying whenever possible, you clear the path to progress and make room for more effective decision-making and personal growth.

6. The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

Comparing yourself to others is a habit that can seriously obstruct your success. When you constantly measure your life against someone else’s highlight reel, you lose sight of your own progress and potential. The truth is, you don’t see the difficulties others faced to achieve their success, and everyone’s journey is influenced by different capabilities, circumstances, experiences, and even luck. This makes comparison not only discouraging but also meaningless.

Instead of seeking validation from others, focus on defining success and happiness on your own terms. Practice gratitude for what you have, and limit exposure to social media that promotes unrealistic standards. Building a strong sense of self requires effort, but it’s key to prioritizing your own values over societal pressures.

7. People Pleasing

People-pleasing is a habit that can seriously block your path to success. When you spend all your time trying to make everyone happy, you end up neglecting your own needs and goals. It’s like pouring water into a bucket with a hole—it drains your energy without giving you anything in return. Seeking constant validation from others might give you a quick boost, but it leaves you feeling empty in the long run.

Instead of bending to others’ expectations, focus on what truly matters to you. Listen to your own inner voice and prioritize your own values. By doing so, you can lead a more authentic and fulfilling life, free from the pressure of living up to others’ standards.

8. Assumptions & Biases

“It’s not things that upset us, but our judgments about things”


Assuming the worst in others and jumping to conclusions based on partial facts is a common bad habit that can seriously obstruct success. Our personal biases often skew our thinking, leading us to inaccurate conclusions. When we judge people or situations without knowing the full story, it’s like viewing the world through a narrow lens—we miss the bigger picture. This habit can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and missed opportunities for meaningful connections.

Instead, try to keep an open mind. Ask questions, be curious, and seek to understand before making judgments. By doing so, you’ll build stronger relationships and create a more positive and successful environment for yourself and others.

9. It’s Not My Fault

Making excuses for our mistakes and shifting blame onto others is a common habit that can obstruct success and growth. Imagine missing a deadline at work and blaming your coworker for not reminding you, instead of owning up to your oversight. This kind of behavior creates a toxic environment and damages trust and respect.

When we refuse to acknowledge our faults and instead point fingers, we miss out on valuable opportunities to learn and improve. Taking responsibility for our actions and learning from our mistakes helps us grow and build stronger, more collaborative relationships.

10. Quick To Criticize

Being quick to criticize can damage your reputation and block success. Constantly pointing out others’ faults creates a negative atmosphere, strains relationships, and makes you appear judgmental. This undermines trust and hampers the effective collaboration necessary for both personal and professional growth.

Instead, focus on support and encouragement. Building others up rather than tearing them down fosters a positive environment, strengthens relationships, and enhances your own reputation, paving the way for mutual success.

11. I Am Always Right

Holding onto an “I am always right” mindset and refusing to adapt can seriously obstruct your success. It’s like driving with the brakes on—you won’t get far. This stubbornness blinds you to your flaws, leads to missed opportunities, and makes you resistant to new ideas while quick to criticize others. It can make you take things personally, overlook others’ contributions, make mistakes, and avoid risks, all of which limit your growth.

Success requires adaptability and a willingness to learn. Embracing Zen philosophy can help. It teaches us to be present, flexible, and open to change. By letting go of the need to control everything, pausing to reflect, and considering alternative perspectives, you can break free from rigid thinking. Stay humble, grateful, and willing to learn from others to navigate challenges with greater ease and move closer to your goals.

Check out the Pinterest pins below for more self-care ideas.

12. Impulsive

Being impulsive can seriously obstruct your success. Reacting in the heat of the moment—like with outbursts of anger—can damage your reputation and make people lose respect for you. These rash actions often lead to mistakes and poor decisions. Managing your emotions is crucial; otherwise, they might sabotage your chances of success.

13. Lack Discipline

Struggling with self-discipline, such as procrastination or low motivation, can seriously obstruct your success. For example, putting off important tasks to binge-watch shows or spend hours gaming can keep you from achieving your goals.

These bad habits, if left unchecked, become obstacles to reaching your full potential. Instead of taking the easy way out or avoiding challenges, view times of procrastination as opportunities for growth. Each small step towards better habits and self-discipline builds momentum, leading to long-term success. Embrace difficulties as chances to improve and stay focused on your goals, even when it’s tough.

14. More Is Better

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

Oprah Winfrey

Believing that having more is always better can actually hinder your success and happiness. For instance, constantly chasing after new gadgets or bigger houses may lead to temporary satisfaction but often leaves you feeling empty and unfulfilled.

This mindset traps you in a cycle of wanting more, like running on a hamster wheel. Instead of focusing on accumulating possessions, consider practicing mindful consumption—ask yourself if a purchase truly aligns with your values and needs. Shifting your focus to meaningful experiences, relationships, and personal growth often brings deeper, more lasting fulfillment.

Understanding why we crave more—whether from societal pressures or learned behaviors—can help break this cycle. By defining what “enough” means for you, you can focus on what truly matters and find greater satisfaction in the long run.

15. Fitting In

Fitting in and following the crowd might seem safe, but it can stifle your creativity and hinder your success. For example, constantly conforming to social expectations at work might prevent you from showcasing your unique skills and ideas. While blending in can avoid conflict, it often means suppressing what makes you stand out.

Embracing your individuality and having the courage to be different can lead to new opportunities and growth. Finding a balance between fitting in and staying true to yourself is crucial. Don’t be afraid to let your uniqueness shine and forge your own path. Check out my posts for practical tips on how to design your own path and thrive.

16. Neglect Taking Breaks

Constantly pushing yourself without taking breaks is a recipe for failure. For instance, working late into the night every day might seem productive, but it often leads to burnout and deteriorating health. When you neglect rest, you compromise not just your well-being but also your performance and relationships.

It’s essential to set boundaries and prioritize self-care. Regular breaks and downtime help you recharge and maintain balance. Take time to rest, recharge, and do things that bring you joy.

By nurturing your health, relationships, and personal growth, you set the stage for long-term success and happiness. Remember, taking time to rest isn’t a detour; it’s a crucial part of a healthier, more fulfilling journey.

17. Leave Things To The Last Minute

Leaving things to the last minute and being disorganized can seriously derail your path to success. Imagine scrambling to complete a project the night before it’s due—without a clear plan, tasks get overlooked, and stress levels soar. This lack of organization and last-minute rush often leads to mistakes and missed deadlines.

To avoid these pitfalls, set up a reliable system for managing your tasks and time. Prioritize planning and stay organized to enhance productivity and minimize stress. By adopting a systematic approach, you’ll set yourself up for success and avoid sabotaging your efforts.

18. Unrealistic

Having lofty dreams is great, but chasing unrealistic goals without a solid plan can be a major roadblock to success. Picture setting out to start a business without any research or strategy—dreams alone won’t make it happen. While ambition is important, without a realistic plan and actionable steps, you’re likely to waste time and energy on goals that may never materialize.

The key is balancing ambition with practicality. Set achievable goals and create a plan to reach them. This way, you can stay grounded while still pursuing your dreams effectively.

19. Self-Critical

Being overly self-critical and striving for perfection can seriously hinder your success. For example, if you constantly tweak a project to make it flawless, you might miss deadlines or opportunities. Waiting for everything to be perfect before taking action often leads to missed chances. Sometimes, it’s better to act and improve along the way rather than get stuck in endless adjustments. Finding a balance between aiming for excellence and recognizing when to move forward is key to achieving your goals. If you struggle with being too harsh on yourself, check out this post for tips on how to practice self-love.

20. Oversharing

Oversharing and blindly trusting others can set you up for failure, much like leaving your door wide open for trouble. For example, sharing personal details on social media without considering who might see them can lead to misunderstandings or even scams. It’s crucial to be cautious about what you disclose and to whom.

While honesty is valuable, placing too much trust in people, especially those you don’t know well, can backfire. Keep some things private and share selectively to protect yourself and your success.

Check out the Pinterest pins below for daily inspiration.

Make A Change

Recognize any of these bad habits in yourself? Identifying them is the first step to change. Start by shifting your mindset and creating a plan to avoid these habits. Over time, this can lead to better behavior and actions.

For a deeper dive into essential mindsets for success and how to break these habits, check out my related posts. It’s never too late to become a better version of yourself.

Also explore my articles on effective goal-setting and thriving in life.

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