How to Simplify Your Life | 14 Things To Eliminate

To better understand and effectively manage the desire for more, delve into the list of things we need to banish to simplify our lives.

In a world where everyone seems to want more – more money, more stuff, more friends – the idea of “less is more” can feel strange. Society tells us that having more is better, so we keep chasing after things we don’t really need. Ads are always trying to sell us something, and we’re constantly comparing ourselves to others, worried we might miss out on something or not measure up.

This mindset leads to clutter – not just physical clutter, but mental and emotional clutter too. And all that clutter can affect how we think, act, and feel. It can leave us feeling depressed, frustrated, or anxious.

But deep down, we know that having more stuff doesn’t really make us happier. So, we need to learn to let go of the things that are weighing us down and focus on what truly matters. That’s where the idea of “less is more” comes in.

In this post, we’ll talk about what we can cut out of our lives to help us simplify and find contentment. 💥

Understand Why We Want More

Many of us feel like we never have enough – we see what other people have and wish we had it too. This feeling comes from something called a scarcity mindset, where we’re always focused on what we don’t have instead of what we do.

But instead of looking outside ourselves for happiness, we need to turn inward. Take some time to think about why you want the things you do. Will having them really make you happier? Sometimes, we chase after things that won’t actually bring us joy.

So, ask yourself some tough questions and be honest with your answers. Once you realize that the scarcity mindset doesn’t lead to true happiness, you can start focusing on the things that really matter.

Managing the desire for more is an ongoing process that requires self-reflection, self-compassion, and conscious choices.

14 Things To Eliminate To Simplify Your Life

Simplicity is not about deprivation. It’s about knowing what’s important to you and eliminating everything else.

Simplifying your life isn’t about sitting around and doing nothing. It’s about making smart choices and focusing on what really matters to help you reach your goals. One way to do this is by avoiding things that don’t align with this idea of making smart choices.

So, let’s take a look at a list of things – like certain traits, ways of thinking, and habits – that you should get rid of to clear out the clutter from your life.

1. Assumptions

Thinking you know it all when you don’t can land you in hot water. Assuming stuff without checking can lead to bad choices and mess up your life. So, try not to jump to conclusions or take things for granted. When in doubt, just ask! It’ll save you time and headaches.

Stay open to the idea that you might be wrong sometimes. Listen to different viewpoints and get a well-rounded perspective. It’ll help you make better decisions and keep life simpler.

Assuming the worst about people or situations can really complicate things. Sometimes we do it because we want to feel in control or because we’re afraid of what might happen. But not everyone thinks or acts the same way we do.

Life becomes easier and more beautiful when we can see the good in other people. It’s important to remember that people have their own reasons for doing things, and jumping to conclusions can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary stress. So, instead of assuming the worst, try to keep an open mind and communicate openly to avoid misunderstandings.

2. Negativity

Here are some tips to clear out the clutter from your life:

Firstly, let’s kill the ANTs – those Automatic Negative Thoughts. Stop dwelling on negative thoughts and what-ifs. Instead, focus on the positives and what you can control.

Next, let’s talk about dealing with people who bring negativity into your life. You know the type—those who always have an excuse, love to shift blame, and never take responsibility for their actions. They might even be jealous of you or try to belittle you to make themselves feel better.

Here’s the deal: Don’t buy into their BS. Seriously, it’s not worth your time or energy. Instead, show them that their nonsense doesn’t faze you. Keep your cool, and don’t let them get to you. Trust me, it’ll drive them crazy when they realize they can’t ruffle your feathers.

Cut out toxic people from your life. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who genuinely want to see you succeed.

Get rid of counterproductive habits and behaviors. Don’t suppress your emotions; instead, express them constructively to grow and improve.

Don’t shy away from confrontation. View it as a chance to learn and grow. Sweeping negative events under the rug won’t make them disappear and only breeds resentment – address them head-on.

Consider reducing your intake of negative news. While it’s important to stay informed, too much exposure to negativity can desensitize us and impact our mental well-being.

Avoiding gossip is a smart move. When you listen to gossip or spread it, it can cloud your judgment and lead to misunderstandings. Plus, you don’t want to accidentally offend someone or become the subject of gossip yourself. It’s best to steer clear of gossip to keep your life simple and stress-free.

Lastly, try to limit your complaints. Constantly complaining only feeds into negativity and creates mental clutter. Focus on finding solutions instead of dwelling on problems.

3. Grudges

Holding onto resentment and grudges isn’t good for your health – it’s like carrying around a heavy load that weighs you down. Instead of letting those negative feelings fester, try to let them go.

Communication is key. If someone has upset you, talk to them about it. Sometimes, just airing out your feelings can lead to resolution.

But if talking it out doesn’t work, it’s okay to distance yourself from that person. Forgiving them doesn’t mean forgetting what happened – it means freeing yourself from the negativity.

4. Time Sinks

Eliminate time-wasting activities like endlessly scrolling through social media, binge-watching TV shows, playing games without purpose, or aimlessly window shopping.

While these activities may seem relaxing at first, they can quickly eat up your time and leave you feeling mentally cluttered.

Excessive screen time can also mess with your sleep, as your brain tries to process all the information you’ve absorbed.

It’s best to limit these activities and focus on more meaningful pursuits that contribute to your well-being and personal growth.

5. Anger

Let’s talk about anger for a moment. When you get angry, it’s like shooting yourself in the foot. Seriously, it hurts you more than anyone else. When you’re angry, your body and mind go into overdrive, and it’s just not good for you.

Anger usually comes from feeling frustrated or upset about something, whether it’s someone else’s actions or just a tough situation. But here’s the thing: Getting angry doesn’t solve anything. It just makes you feel worse and clouds your judgment.

Instead of letting anger get the best of you, try to stay calm and focus on finding solutions to whatever’s bothering you. Trust me, you’ll feel a whole lot better when you handle things with a cool head.

“You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”


6. Impulsiveness

Expecting everything to happen quickly and focusing only on short-term results can backfire. Rushing into things without thinking them through can lead to problems down the road.

Avoid making decisions on a whim. Take your time to think things through and gather all the facts before making a choice.

For instance, when you’re tempted by a limited-time offer, pause and ask yourself if you really need it or if it’s just the excitement of the moment.

Even at work, when there’s pressure to decide quickly, assess whether it’s truly urgent or if you have time to weigh your options. It’s better to make a well-thought-out decision than to rush into something you might regret later.

7. Obsessive Anxiety

Avoid dwelling excessively on things that are out of your control. It’s normal to feel some level of concern about events and situations, but when worry turns into obsessive anxiety, it’s time to put a stop to it.

This kind of worry can consume you, disrupt your sleep, and cause physical symptoms like anxiety cramps. It’s the kind of worry where you keep thinking about something even though you don’t have a solution for it.

Obsessing over stress can affect your ability to handle your responsibilities, impact your appetite, drain your energy, and dampen your mood. It’s important to banish this type of worry from your life.

Similarly, becoming overly fixated on an idea, person, or object can also be harmful. While it’s okay to be focused, obsession should always be kept in check.

Obsessive behaviors can lead to negative outcomes, including lying or even engaging in criminal activities like stalking, stealing, or voyeurism. It’s essential to maintain balance and moderation in your thoughts and actions to avoid these pitfalls.

8. Overcommitting

Taking on too many commitments can definitely be overwhelming. When we try to please everyone and say yes to everything, it can lead to stress, exhaustion, and unhappiness. Living up to others’ expectations all the time can take a toll on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. That’s why it’s important to set personal boundaries and prioritize our own needs and limitations.

Instead of overcommitting and spreading ourselves too thin, we should carefully consider what we say yes to and what we say no to. It’s okay to prioritize our own well-being and happiness. By setting personal rules and boundaries, we can ensure that we’re only taking on responsibilities and commitments that align with our values and abilities. This helps us avoid burnout, reduce stress, and maintain a healthier balance in our lives.

9. Unrealistic Expectations

It’s important to understand that expecting everything to just fall into place without putting in any effort is not realistic. Life doesn’t always work that way. Instead, it’s about putting in the work and effort to make things happen.

On the other end of the spectrum, having big dreams and aiming high is awesome! It pushes you to grow and tackle tough stuff, which is super important for personal development. But, here’s the catch: don’t mix it up with setting goals that are way out there in la-la land. It’s cool to step out of your comfort zone, but don’t leap too far.

Always aiming for perfection can actually hold us back. When we’re fixated on getting everything just right, it can make starting tasks feel daunting. We might keep putting things off because we’re waiting for the perfect moment or trying to avoid making mistakes. Plus, setting unrealistic standards for ourselves can set us up for disappointment because nothing in life is ever truly perfect.

Taking things one step at a time is key. Trying to do too much and flopping hard can really sting. So, know your limits and stretch just a tad more. This helps you build skills and confidence. Keeping your goals realistic and doable keeps life simpler and less stressful.

It’s important not to put people on pedestals and expect them to meet unrealistic standards. Whether it’s your family, partner, friends, or coworkers, having sky-high expectations can lead to disappointment.

Instead, pay attention to how they actually behave. Actions speak louder than words, as the saying goes. Take note of how they treat you and others, how they handle responsibilities, and whether they follow through on their promises.

By observing these actions, you can better gauge their reliability and decide how much time and energy you want to invest in them. This approach helps you avoid unnecessary heartache and simplifies your relationships by focusing on those who show up and demonstrate their commitment through their actions.

10. Self-Centeredness

Hey, don’t sweat the small stuff! Taking every little thing to heart and believing the whole world is out to get you isn’t the way to go. Being all wrapped up in yourself, thinking you’re the center of the universe, and expecting everyone to cater to you? Not cool.

Being too self-absorbed and thinking you’re entitled to everything just sets you up for a fall. It messes with your relationships and makes folks steer clear of you. Plus, it closes doors to new opportunities.

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11. Lies

Being honest can really make life simpler. When you’re truthful, you don’t have to remember all the little lies you’ve told. Whether it’s a small fib or a big deception, lying just complicates things.

Now, being honest doesn’t mean you spill every secret or detail about yourself or others. It’s about having a personal rule to default to telling the truth in a thoughtful way. You don’t have to overshare, but keeping it real saves you from tangled webs of deceit.

It’s important to be honest with yourself. When we lie to ourselves, we’re just fooling ourselves in the end. We might ignore things we don’t want to deal with or blame others for our problems. But facing the truth, even when it’s tough, helps us grow and make better choices. So, try to be honest with yourself to simplify your life and avoid unnecessary complications.

12. Ego

Having a big ego can get you into a whole heap of trouble. Whether you’re strutting around like you’re the king of the hill or hiding away because you’re convinced you’re not good enough, extreme ego is a recipe for disaster.

When you’re all puffed up with ego, you think you’re the smartest person in the room, and nobody else’s opinion matters. You shut people down, argue like there’s no tomorrow, and can’t stand it when someone disagrees with you. It’s like you’re always wearing blinders, unable to see things from anyone else’s perspective.

But here’s the thing: a big ego attracts haters like bees to honey. And trust me, you don’t want to deal with the drama they bring. So, instead of strutting around like a peacock, try keeping your feet on the ground. Being humble not only makes life simpler, but it also earns you respect from others.

And let’s talk about jealousy and envy. Constantly comparing yourself to others? It’s a one-way ticket to feeling lousy about yourself. When you let go of your ego, you’ll find that jealousy and envy fade away too. So, do yourself a favor and leave that big ego at the door. You’ll be better off without it!

13. Procrastination

Procrastination is like kicking the can down the road. You know you’ve got stuff to do, but you keep putting it off, hoping it’ll magically disappear. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.

When we dodge those tasks we dread or fear, they don’t just vanish into thin air. Nope, they pile up like dirty laundry, waiting for us to deal with them. And before we know it, we’re stuck in a frantic race against the clock, trying to finish everything at the last minute.

Sound familiar? That last-minute rush is a one-way ticket to Stressville. The stress and anxiety start piling on, and suddenly, our emotional baggage is overflowing.

So, instead of letting procrastination take the wheel, let’s tackle those tasks head-on. It might be tough at first, but trust me, it’ll make life a whole lot simpler in the long run.

14. Material Clutter

Let’s talk about cleaning house—literally. We’ve covered a bunch of mental and emotional clutter, so now it’s time to tackle the physical stuff.

When we make impulse purchases or spend money on things we don’t really need, it can put a strain on our finances. We end up wasting money on items that don’t add value to our lives, and it can lead to clutter in our homes. Plus, it makes it harder to save for things that are truly important to us, like emergencies or long-term goals.

“The more you have, the more you are occupied. The less you have, the more free you are.”

Mother Teresa

Take a look around your space. Is it cluttered with things you don’t really need? If so, it’s time for a decluttering session. Don’t hoard stuff just for the sake of having it. If you don’t need it, ditch it—give it away or just don’t buy it in the first place.

Here’s the deal: Physical clutter can mess with your head. When your space is chaotic, it messes with your focus, ramps up stress levels, and just makes it hard to chill out. Plus, it kinda tells your brain that you’re not in control, which is a major bummer.

And get this: Having too much stuff actually slows you down. Your brain has to work overtime to filter out all that clutter, which means your productivity takes a hit.

So, instead of drowning in stuff, aim for contentment. Trust me, having less junk cluttering up your space will leave you feeling way more fulfilled in the long run.

Bonus Tip 🌟

Let me share a super practical tip to simplify your life and truly understand the power of “less is more.” It’s all about embracing gratitude.

When you have a grateful heart and appreciate what you already have in your life, everything seems brighter and more positive. Seriously, it’s like putting on a pair of rose-tinted glasses!

And here’s the cool part: When you’re feeling grateful and happy, your brain works better. It’s like giving your brain a power boost! You can think more clearly, handle tough situations like a champ, and find solutions to problems more easily.

So, how do you embrace gratitude? It’s simple. Just take some time each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for. It could be the little things, like a warm cup of coffee in the morning or a chat with a friend. Doing this regularly helps you stay balanced and keeps that desire for more in check. Trust me, it works wonders!

READ ALSO: Do you aspire to living your dream life? Consider checking out my articles on practical ways to progress and how to create your personal dream life blueprint.

The Time Is NOW 🔥

Yep, it’s true that there’s no magic wand to wave and make everything instantly simple. Life’s just too darn complex for that! But hey, don’t fret. You’ve already taken a big step by identifying the things that clutter up your life and vowing to kick them to the curb.

By ditching those clutter-causers, you’re already halfway down the road to a simpler, stress-free life. But hey, it’s not just about getting rid of stuff. You also need some rules to help you stay on track and keep things nice and simple. Check out my post on some awesome tips to guide you toward a stress-free life. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it!

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”

Hans Hofmann
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