20 Habits That Obstruct Our Success And How To Get Rid Of Them

Identify the bad habits that might be holding you back from reaching your goals, and find out how to get rid of them to smoothen your path to success.

Bad habits can significantly hinder our progress and success in life, and hold us back from reaching our full potential. Often, we develop these tendencies due to a combination of factors such as environmental influences, past experiences, and even genetic predispositions.

Our brains are wired to seek comfort and familiarity, making it easy for us to fall into patterns that may not serve us well in the long run. Additionally, habits often provide short-term rewards or relief, reinforcing their grip on us over time. Breaking free from these habits requires awareness, effort, and a willingness to embrace change, but doing so can open doors to new opportunities and a more fulfilling life.

Our thoughts are like the steering wheel of a car—they guide where we are headed. Thus, having the right mindset is critical for building good habits. Our thoughts influence and dictate our actions. And the bad habits usually arise from negative thoughts.

By being more aware and mindful of what’s going on up there in our heads, we can start to spot those sneaky negative thoughts and kick them to the curb. Once we know what’s holding us back, we can start working on getting rid of those bad habits and making room for the good ones. It’s all about being aware and taking action to steer our thoughts in the right direction. Let’s dive right into the top 20 bad habits that made into this list!

20 Bad Habits That Obstruct Our Success


When we talk about bad habits, the first ones that often pop into our heads are things like drinking too much alcohol, using drugs, smoking, gambling, overeating, binge-watching TV shows, playing too much video games, late night partying, and spending too much money. These habits can really mess with our health and happiness. It’s no secret that when our health and mindset are off, it’s tough to reach our goals. So, it’s super important to kick these habits to the curb if we want to succeed in life.

Lack Clear Purpose

When we lack a clear sense of purpose and undefined life goals, we can easily lose sight of what truly matters. This can lead us to chase after external validation or material possessions, leaving us feeling unfulfilled and questioning our direction in life. Without perseverance, we may give up at the first sign of difficulty, hindering our potential for growth and success.

It’s essential to take time for self-reflection and introspection to identify our values, passions, and long-term aspirations, and set goals to work towards. By aligning our actions with our purpose and regularly reassessing our goals, we can stay focused on what truly matters to us and live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Additionally, it’s important to understand that you don’t find your purpose but you create it and bear meaning to it.

Limiting Beliefs

Fear of failure and uncertainty, along with dwelling on past mistakes or fixating solely on future goals, can paralyze us, keeping us from taking necessary risks and facing challenges essential for growth and success.

However, we have the power to break free from these limiting beliefs. By releasing the grip of the past, showing ourselves compassion, and extracting wisdom from our experiences, we pave the way for growth. Your entire life can change in an instant. So instead of passively taking what you have for granted, be grateful for it and do whatever good you can with it.

It’s vital to push ourselves beyond our comfort zones and nurture a positive mindset. To conquer the fear of what lies ahead, we must anchor ourselves in the present moment, seizing every opportunity that comes our way. After all, each moment is unique and irreplaceable—Ichigo ichie.

If these feelings become overwhelming, it’s okay to seek support from loved ones or professionals. By practicing self-love and adopting a growth mindset, we can overcome these self-defeating tendencies and live our best lives.

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt


At times, we unknowingly become our own roadblocks to progress by dwelling on past mistakes, failures or disappointments and being extra hard on ourselves. It’s like wearing blinders that only let us see the hurdles ahead, making it hard to move forward. Overthinking twists things around, makes you worry about futile questions, and makes everything much worse than it actually is. Moreover, constantly criticizing yourself lowers confidence and motivation.

When we dwell on obstacles instead of seeking solutions, or when we constantly doubt ourselves and fear failure, it’s like being stuck in quicksand, unable to move forward. Overthinking and resisting change only deepen the rut we’re in, trapping us in our comfort zones and preventing us from growing. Letting go is very hard but it is the best thing to do.


Don’t compare the behind-the-scenes of your life to someone else’s highlight reel. Every second you spend comparing your life to someone else’s is a second spent wasting yours.

Comparing yourself to others or giving in to societal pressures can leave you feeling unsatisfied and always wanting more. Instead of constantly seeking approval from others, turn your attention inward and define success and happiness on your own terms.

Practice gratitude for what you have and limit exposure to social media or other sources that promote unrealistic standards. It’s not easy to remain unaffected by external influences, especially those who are always comparing and competing. It takes effort and self-love to develop a strong sense of self and to prioritize your own values and beliefs over societal expectations.

Assume & Jump To Conclusions

Jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst about people or situations can be a real roadblock to understanding and harmony. When we judge others solely based on our own perspective without considering their side or the full context, it’s like looking at the world through a narrow lens.

This habit can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and missed opportunities for connection. Instead, let’s strive to keep an open mind and give others the benefit of the doubt. By being curious, asking questions, and seeking to understand before we judge, we can build better relationships and create a more positive environment for everyone.

“It’s not things that upset us, but our judgments about things”


Disorganized & Fail To Prioritize

Being disorganized, forgetting tasks, and procrastinating are all habits that can trip us up on the road to success. When we don’t have a system in place to keep track of our responsibilities, it’s easy to let things slip through the cracks. Add in a tendency to wing it or try to do everything at the last minute, and it’s a recipe for inefficiency and stress.

Without proper planning and prioritization, we waste time on unimportant tasks and risk missing deadlines. To overcome these obstacles, it’s essential to establish a reliable system for staying organized and managing our time effectively. This way, we can maximize productivity and reduce stress, paving the way for success.


Refusing to change or being stubborn about sticking to the same old ways, even when they’re not working, can really stand in the way of success. It’s like trying to swim against the current instead of going with the flow.

When you’re stuck in a rigid mindset, it’s like wearing blinders that block out other possibilities. You might take things too personally and feel stuck in your ways, making it hard to take risks or chase your dreams.

But there’s a way out: embracing the wisdom of Zen philosophy. By opening your mind to alternative perspectives and letting go of the need to control everything, you can break free from that rigid mindset. Zen teaches us to be present, flexible, and accepting of change, which can help us navigate life’s twists and turns with more ease and clarity.

Being open to new ideas and willing to learn from your mistakes is key to moving forward and achieving your goals.

Lack Discipline

Do you struggle with self-discipline and motivation or often find it hard to focus, especially when you have tasks you’re not excited about but know you have to do? Or perhaps you find yourself sacrificing sleep to binge-watch shows or spending too much time gaming instead of learning? If so, it might be time for a mindset shift.

Giving in to laziness, distractions, and bad habits can hold you back from reaching your goals. It’s tempting to take the easy way out, especially when faced with challenges or tedious tasks. Rather than seeing challenges or failures as setbacks, try viewing them as opportunities for personal growth and development. By reframing your perception, you can overcome the inertia of sticking to bad habits and prioritize activities that contribute to your long-term goals.

Remember, every small step you take towards self-discipline and constructive learning adds up over time, leading to greater maturity and success. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. It takes dedication and persistence to achieve your dreams.

Instead of procrastinating or giving up when things get tough, embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Every setback is a chance to learn and improve. So, stay focused, prioritize your goals, and keep pushing forward, even when it’s hard.


When you cannot keep a cool head and react impulsively to situations, it can lead to trouble. Those outbursts of anger or shouting matches? They don’t do you any favors. In fact, they can hurt your reputation and make people lose respect for you. Plus, losing control like that can make you look foolish. It’s important to learn to manage your emotions, or they could end up getting the better of you and harming your chances of success.

External Validation

Spending all your time and energy trying to please everyone, especially those you admire or seek approval from, can be exhausting. It’s like pouring water into a leaky bucket. No matter how much you pour in, it keeps draining out, leaving you feeling drained and depleted.

Similarly, constantly seeking compliments and validation from others to boost your self-worth is like chasing after a fleeting mirage. While it may provide temporary relief, it won’t sustain you in the long run, leaving you feeling hollow and unfulfilled.

Remember that if you are everybody’s friend, you are an enemy to yourself. Instead of living by others’ standards, it’s crucial to find your own path and listen to your own inner voice. That way, you can focus on what truly matters to you and live a more authentic and fulfilling life.


It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that having more stuff equals more happiness. We see what others have and think that’s the key to contentment. But constantly chasing after material possessions can leave us feeling empty. Sure, it’s important to be financially stable, but when our desire for stuff becomes excessive, it’s like we’re stuck on a hamster wheel of wanting more and more.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

Oprah Winfrey

Instead of letting materialism rule our lives, we can try practicing mindful consumption. Before splurging on something, we should ask ourselves if it truly aligns with what we value and need. Shifting our focus towards experiences, relationships, personal growth, and helping others can bring more fulfillment in the long run.

It’s also worth digging deep to understand why we have this insatiable desire for stuff. Maybe it’s something we learned from our parents or society, or it’s just become a habit. By recognizing these influences, we can take steps to break free from the cycle and define what “enough” means to us. Collect moments, not things.


It’s easy to fall into the trap of conforming to society’s expectations. We’re taught from a young age to follow the rules, obey authority, and avoid rocking the boat. We’re told to keep our heads down, avoid conflicts, and just go with the flow. But here’s the thing: all this conformity can squash our creativity and hold us back from reaching our full potential. Sure, it’s important to keep out of trouble, but that doesn’t mean we should suppress our uniqueness.

Embracing what makes us different and having the courage to speak up for ourselves can lead to new ideas and growth. Finding the right balance between fitting in and staying true to ourselves is key. So, don’t be afraid to let your individuality shine and trust yourself to carve out your own path in life. Check out my posts on practical ways that guide you in designing your path and thrive in life!


When we’re caught up in the trap of arrogance, we become oblivious to our own flaws. We might think we know everything and that our way is always the best way. This mindset can make us quick to criticize others, feeling entitled to special treatment and never appreciating what others do for us. But being too full of ourselves can lead to missed opportunities and mistakes.

Instead, it’s wise to pause, listen, and reflect on our actions. By being open to feedback and considering different perspectives, we can avoid unnecessary blunders and pave the way for success. So, let’s stay humble, grateful, and willing to learn from others.


Some folks are what you might call “dreamers.” They have these big, grand ideas floating around in their heads all the time. But chasing after those super unrealistic goals can actually hold you back.

Although it is awesome to have dreams, spending all your time and energy on things that are not likely to pan out is meaningless. You cannot have everything. You always exchange something for something.

It’s all about finding that balance. Keeping your feet on the ground while still reaching for the stars. So think logically, set realistic goals, and you’ll be on the right track.


Being a perfectionist can really trip you up. Always nitpicking and obsessing over every little thing, thinking nothing’s good enough is a tough habit to shake. But waiting for everything to be perfect before taking action is a surefire way to miss out on some great opportunities. Sometimes, you have to roll with the punches and seize the moment, even if you’re not 100% ready. It’s all about finding that balance between aiming for excellence and knowing when to say, “Good enough!”

Blind Trust

Being overly trusting and sharing everything with everyone can backfire on you. It’s like leaving your door wide open for trouble to walk right in. It’s important to be cautious and only share when it’s necessary and with people you trust.

While honesty is great, putting all your trust in someone isn’t always smart. What you tell one person might end up all over the place. Not everyone can be relied on to keep things to themselves. So, it’s good to keep a bit of mystery about yourself and not spill all your secrets to just anyone.


Constantly criticizing, complaining, and gossiping can create a negative atmosphere and harm relationships. When we focus only on the faults of others, we miss out on seeing their strengths and the good things around us. This habit not only damages our reputation but also limits our ability to connect with others and succeed in our endeavors.

Instead of looking for flaws in others, let’s try to cultivate a more positive outlook and build people up rather than tearing them down. By spreading kindness and encouragement, we not only uplift others but also create a more supportive and harmonious environment for ourselves and those around us.

Blame-Shifting & Double Standards

Pointing fingers at others while thinking we can do no wrong creates a toxic environment. When we hold double standards and unfairly criticize others while exempting ourselves from scrutiny, we erode trust and respect. This behavior not only damages relationships but also hinders our own growth and success.

Instead of making excuses and shifting blame, let’s take responsibility for our actions and strive for fairness and equality. By treating others with respect and offering constructive feedback, we foster a more positive and collaborative atmosphere where everyone can thrive.

Lack Balance & Self-care

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, especially when it comes to work. But sacrificing everything for your job can lead to burnout and unhappiness. Pushing yourself too hard, overcommitting, and neglecting your health and relationships can throw your life out of balance. When one part of your life suffers, it affects everything else. That’s why it’s crucial to minimize stress and prioritize self-care.

Take time to rest, recharge, and do things that bring you joy. Set boundaries to protect your time and mental well-being. And don’t forget to nurture your relationships and personal growth. Finding a healthy balance between work and life is key to living your best life. Taking time to slow down isn’t a detour; it’s part of the journey towards a healthier mind and a more meaningful life. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. By simplifying our lives, we clear the clutter that obstructs our path to success. So, make self-care a priority and embrace the peace and calmness that comes with it.

READ ALSO: Check out my articles on self-development: learn how to squash self-doubt, principles behind setting goals that work, and thrive in life! 😊 You can save these posts on Pinterest below so you can refer back to them when you want to!

Can We Break These Bad Habits?

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do. Your habits will either lead you to success or to failure. So, choose wisely.

Being aware of these habits is the first step to overcoming them. Make a conscious effort to counter them by replacing them with good habits. Set clear intentions and goals for yourself, and understand your vision and mission in life. Cultivate focus by doing one thing at a time, and remember that nothing worthwhile comes easy—you have to persevere through challenges. Embrace the “amor fati” mindset from Stoic philosophy, and cultivate positive values like justice, wisdom, courage, humility, gratitude, equanimity, resilience, and self-discipline.

Take a methodical approach and make gradual changes over time. Briefly, I have laid out the key steps to give you a general idea of this strategy:

Step 1: Identify the habits you want to change and understand what triggers them.

Step 2: Create a plan by setting clear goals to break those habits and replace them with better ones.

Step 3: Have a system in place to track your progress and stay accountable.

By following these steps, you can effectively break bad habits and cultivate healthier ones. When you notice yourself falling back into bad habits, remind yourself to refocus and stay on track. It’s normal to slip up occasionally, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Instead, focus on making progress. Consider finding a buddy or mentor to support you on your journey to self-improvement.

The Time Is NOW

How many of those bad habits from the list do you find yourself guilty of? Recognizing them is the first step toward making a change. Now, it’s time to take action.

Start by drawing up a plan to proactively remind yourself and minimize engaging in those habits. This involves rewiring your thinking at its core, which can ultimately change your behavior and actions for the better.

If you’re serious about making a real change in your life, check out my post on essential mindsets to adopt for success and fulfillment. It’s never too late to start working toward a better version of yourself!

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