Principles And Habits To Be Smarter | How To Build A Mind Gym

Discover the principles and habits that can make you smarter and learn how to build your own mental gym.

Many of us share the desire to be smarter. Whether it’s impressing teachers, parents, or peers, we all want to shine a little brighter. But here’s the thing: being smart isn’t just about how naturally brainy you are. Sure, some folks think smarts are fixed from birth, but our brains are way more dynamic than that. We all have different strengths, and with some elbow grease and the right approach, we can boost those brain muscles.

Our brains are like a big network of pathways, and when we train in a specific area, those pathways get stronger. It’s science! So, if you’re wondering how to beef up your brainpower in the areas you care about, stick around. In this article, we are diving into some methods to help you level up your smarts.

Construct A Mind Gym: Principles & Habits To Be Smarter

Imagine your brain as a muscle, and your skull as the gym where it works out. Just like hitting the weights, your mind needs training to grow stronger. But here’s the deal: don’t go setting unrealistic goals. Our brains have limits, and we’re all wired a bit differently. Some folks might have a natural knack for certain things, making it seem like they breeze through with less effort. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get good too! With the right principles and habits, you can train yourself to hone mental efficiency and excel. So, let’s dig in and uncover what those are!


Keep your curiosity alive! Always be eager to learn and understand new things. This helps expand your mind and keeps your brain muscles flexing. Don’t shy away from relearning stuff either. Things change over time, and what you thought was true might not be anymore. It’s crucial to stay up-to-date and toss out any old, outdated info cluttering up your brain.

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”



Don’t just accept things as they are presented to you. Always ask questions like “why” and “how.” Dig into where the information comes from and what might be motivating it. Don’t blindly trust everything you hear or see, even if it’s from someone you usually trust. Sometimes, even the most reliable sources can have their own biases or hidden agendas. It’s important to stay open-minded and consider different perspectives. Life is full of surprises and uncertainties, so it’s good to be prepared for the unexpected. This mindset encourages creative thinking and innovation. Remember, it’s okay to question things, but do it respectfully, especially when dealing with other people’s opinions.

Critical Thinking

Learning to think independently and objectively is like having a superpower. It can keep you out of trouble, prevent stress and embarrassment, and help you make better decisions overall. This skill is super important, and luckily, it’s something you can get better at with practice.

Thinking critically enables you to decide for yourself what makes sense. That way, you can make choices that truly align with what you believe in.

You might be wondering what does it have to do with getting smarter. Well, when you can think critically, you’re like a detective breaking down a case. You can take things apart, look at each piece, and figure out what’s really going on. This makes it easier to form your own opinions based on solid evidence. Plus, thinking rationally helps you avoid just going along with the crowd. Instead, you can come up with fresh ideas and find new solutions to problems. So, working on your critical thinking skills is definitely a smart move!

Check out my article on tips to help you build critical thinking skills and save this post on Pinterest so you can refer back to it when you need to! 😊

Don’t Assume

The way we see things is influenced by our beliefs and how we think, and this in turn shapes how you see the world around you. So, when we are faced with a decision, we tend to choose based on what we already believe. But it’s crucial to question those assumptions. Don’t just accept things because someone said so or because it’s the way it’s always been done. And don’t assume that what you know and believe to be true is the absolute truth. None of us have all the answers. So, it’s important to stay humble and keep an open mind. Being flexible like this helps us adapt quicker to new situations.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”



When you’re dealing with a new problem, it’s like being in uncharted territory. That’s when it’s helpful to go back to the basics. Strip away all the complicated stuff and focus on what really matters.

Think about whether the solution makes sense to you. Don’t just follow what others say blindly. Break down the problem into smaller parts and tackle each one systematically. This way, you’re less likely to get swayed by what others think and more likely to find a logical and efficient solution. It’s all about keeping it simple and logical.

Manage Your Fears

Many people hold themselves back from learning new things because they’re scared of looking stupid. They worry about asking questions that others might think are silly or making mistakes. It’s like shooting themselves in the foot and slowing down their learning process.

Sure, there’s some truth to not asking too many unnecessary questions or asking smart ones instead. But letting fear take over and stop you from learning is harmful. It’s important to strike a balance and not let fear hold you back. Asking questions and making mistakes are natural parts of learning and growing.

“Fear is the barrier between where you are and where you want to be. Break through it, and you’ll find the path to wisdom and growth.”

Read Widely

Expanding your knowledge is key to getting smarter. Here are some simple steps you can take:

  1. Create a Reading List: Make a list of books and articles to read. Try to include topics you’re not usually interested in. This way, you’ll get different perspectives and broaden your mind.
  2. Listen to Educational Podcasts: Start your day with podcasts that teach you something new. You can also listen to them during your free time.
  3. Structured Learning: Take online courses, attend workshops, or join conferences. These structured learning opportunities can deepen your understanding of various subjects.
  4. Collaborative Learning: Team up with others at your learning level. Collaborating with them can lead to new insights and collaborations.
  5. Subscribe to Newsletters: Subscribe to newsletters that provide key insights on topics you’re interested in. They can keep you informed about the latest trends and developments.
  6. Experiment with Learning Methods: Try out different learning methods to see what works best for you.
  7. Set Up a Learning Space: Create a dedicated study area where you can focus and concentrate on learning.
  8. Track Your Progress: Use a progress tracker to monitor your learning journey. This can motivate you to keep going and celebrate your achievements.

Remember, just reading isn’t enough. Make sure you understand and apply what you’ve learned to truly become smarter.

Spaced Repetition

To boost your learning and strengthen your memory, try the spaced repetition method. This technique involves testing yourself on information at intervals, allowing you to revisit and reinforce what you’ve learned over time. By doing this, you’re more likely to store the information in your long-term memory.

Our brains aren’t built to hold onto information forever. Instead, they’re designed to generate ideas and solve problems. So, to become smarter, it’s not just about acquiring knowledge—it’s also about recognizing patterns, making connections, and applying what you’ve learned to real-life situations.

Consistency is key with this method. You need to practice it regularly over time to see the best results. By incorporating spaced repetition into your learning routine, you can keep information fresh in your mind and improve your ability to recall it when you need it most.


a) Share With Others

Applying what you learn is super important and an essential step towards your goal to be smarter. One way to do this is by teaching and sharing what you know with others. When you teach someone else, you’re not just helping them; you’re also helping yourself. Here’s why:

  1. Organize Your Thoughts: Teaching forces you to organize your thoughts and make connections between ideas. This helps you understand the topic better.
  2. Improve Communication Skills: By teaching others, you get better at explaining things clearly. This improves your communication skills, which is super handy in all aspects of life.
  3. Get Different Perspectives: When you teach someone else, they might ask questions or share their own opinions. This can give you new perspectives and help you see things in a different light.
  4. Learn Unexpectedly: Sometimes, when you’re teaching someone, they might bring up something you hadn’t thought about before. This can lead to new discoveries and learning opportunities for you.

So, don’t hesitate to share what you know with others. It’s a win-win situation where everyone benefits!

b) Journal

Writing daily reflections is a great way to boost your memory and understanding of what you’ve learned. Here’s how it works:

  1. Reflect on What You Learned: Take a few minutes each day to jot down what you learned. Write down the key points or ideas that stood out to you.
  2. Apply it to Your Life: Think about how you can apply what you learned in your own life. This could be in your work, relationships, or personal goals. Writing about this helps solidify the knowledge in your mind.
  3. Find Patterns: As you reflect on your daily lessons, you might start to notice patterns or connections between different topics. Writing them down can help you see these connections more clearly.
  4. Clear Your Mind: Writing in a journal can be like clearing out clutter from your brain. It helps you organize your thoughts and gain clarity on what you’ve learned.
  5. Promote Self-Awareness: Journaling also encourages self-awareness. You might uncover insights about yourself and how you learn best. Plus, it’s a great way to track your personal growth over time.
  6. Learn from Mistakes: Finally, reflecting on your experiences and mistakes can help you learn and grow. By writing about what went wrong and how you can do better next time, you’re less likely to repeat the same mistakes.

So, grab a notebook and start journaling! It’s a simple yet powerful tool for boosting your memory and fostering personal growth.

c) Hobby

Taking up a hobby isn’t just about passing the time—it can do wonders for your brain and well-being. Here’s why it’s a great idea:

  1. Keep Your Brain Active: Hobbies keep your brain engaged and active. Whether it’s painting, gardening, or playing an instrument, these activities challenge your mind and keep it sharp.
  2. Boost Cognitive Function: Engaging in hobbies has been shown to improve cognitive function. It’s like giving your brain a workout, helping it stay strong and healthy.
  3. Enhance Mental Health: Hobbies can also improve your mental health. They provide an outlet for stress and anxiety, helping you relax and unwind after a long day.
  4. Learn New Skills: When you take up a hobby, you’re constantly learning and growing. Whether it’s mastering a new recipe or perfecting your golf swing, hobbies help you develop new skills and become more well-rounded.
  5. Expand Your Social Circle: Hobbies are a great way to meet like-minded people and make new friends. Whether you join a book club or a knitting circle, hobbies provide opportunities for social interaction and connection.
  6. Have Fun and Stay Sharp: Lastly, hobbies inject some fun into your life. Playing strategy-based games like chess or Sudoku not only entertain you but also improve your memory and problem-solving skills. Plus, they help you see things from new perspectives and better cope with life’s challenges.

So, whether you’re into painting, hiking, or playing board games, find a hobby that brings you joy and watch as it benefits both your brain and your overall well-being.

d) Challenge Your Limits

Becoming smarter isn’t just about studying hard or memorizing facts—it’s also about challenging yourself and pushing your limits. Here’s how you can practice and keep getting smarter:

  1. Keep Learning: Challenge yourself to learn new things every day. Whether it’s picking up a new skill, reading a challenging book, or tackling a complex problem, keep pushing yourself to expand your knowledge.
  2. Gradually Increase Difficulty: As you learn, gradually increase the difficulty level. This helps to strengthen your brain’s neural pathways and expand its capacity. Start with easier tasks and gradually work your way up to more challenging ones.
  3. Experiment and Test: Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new approaches to tasks. Instead of sticking to what’s familiar, explore different ways of doing things to find the most strategic approach. Testing and experimenting help you discover better ways of solving problems and achieving your goals.
  4. Seek Inspiration: Surround yourself with people who challenge and inspire you. Spend time with smarter individuals who can teach you new things and offer fresh perspectives. Being around people who are intellectually curious and ambitious can motivate you to reach new heights.

By practicing regularly, challenging yourself, and seeking inspiration from others, you can continue to grow and become smarter over time. Remember, intelligence isn’t fixed—it’s something you can develop and improve with effort and dedication.

“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”

Napoleon Hill
💥READ ALSO: Interested in self-improvement tips? Check out these posts for tips on goal-setting principles and time management to thrive in life! You can also save them below on Pinterest as a handy reference! 😊

Move Your Body

Exercise is like a magic potion for your brain! When you work out, it gets your blood flowing, which is great because your brain needs that blood to function well. Plus, when you exercise, your brain releases something called brain derived nerve factors or BDNF, which is like brain fertilizer—it helps you focus better and sleep more soundly.

But it’s not just about your brain. When you take care of your body with exercise, you feel better overall. You’ll have more energy to tackle challenges, and you’ll be in a better mood, which makes you more open to learning new things. So, whether it’s going for a walk, hitting the gym, or dancing around your room, get moving and give your brain a boost!


Getting enough sleep is super important for your brain! Science has proven that when you don’t get good sleep, it messes with your brain’s ability to work properly. You might feel tired and out of it, which makes it hard to think clearly and learn new stuff.

Sure, a cup of coffee might wake you up temporarily, but nothing beats a solid night’s sleep. When you snooze well, your brain gets the rest it needs to function at its best. That means you’ll be sharp and ready to tackle whatever learning challenges come your way. So, make sure to catch those Z’s—it’s like giving your brain a big hug!

Mix Up Your Routine

Adding variety to your day is like giving your brain a breath of fresh air! Mixing things up keeps your brain on its toes and helps you stay creative. Plus, it’s a mood booster and opens up new ways of looking at the world.

Instead of sticking to the same old routine day in and day out, try something different now and then. Shake things up! Whether it’s trying a new hobby, taking a different route to work, or learning a new skill, injecting some novelty into your day keeps things exciting.

Make it a habit to learn something new every day, but don’t just learn for the sake of it. Think outside the box and find creative ways to approach familiar topics. And don’t forget to expose yourself to different perspectives and ideas—it’s like giving your brain a mini adventure every day!

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”

Stephen Hawking

Quiet Time

Creating moments of quiet reflection is like hitting the pause button on life for a while. It gives you a chance to look back on your experiences and see what patterns emerge.

By taking this time for yourself, you can spot any habits or behaviors that might not be serving you well. It’s a bit like doing a mental spring cleaning—clearing out the clutter and making room for healthier ways of thinking and acting.

Being self-aware and mindful helps you learn from your past experiences and mistakes. Instead of repeating the same old patterns, you can make better choices and grow as a person.

And here’s the thing: learning isn’t just about cramming facts into your brain. It’s about really understanding and using that information. Reflecting on what you’ve learned helps cement it in your mind, turning short-term knowledge into long-term wisdom. So, don’t underestimate the power of a little quiet time for yourself—it might just be the key to unlocking your full potential!

Do It For Yourself

Think of it like this: every action you take should have a solid reason behind it, something that keeps you going when things get tough.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

Albert Schweitzer

So, if you’re aiming to be smarter, take a moment to think about why that’s important to you. What do you hope to achieve by sharpening your mind? Maybe you want to tackle new challenges at work or just feel more confident in your abilities.

It’s also helpful to think about the kind of person you want to be. Do you see yourself as someone who’s always eager to learn and grow? If so, then becoming smarter might be part of that vision for yourself.

But here’s the key: do it for you, not for anyone else. Learning and growing should be about improving your own life and reaching your own goals, not trying to outshine someone else.

So, set your sights on becoming the best version of yourself, and let that be your driving force. And remember, the journey of learning is ongoing—it’s about progress, not perfection. Keep moving forward, and you’ll be amazed at how far you can go!

How To Kickstart Your Journey

Alright, let’s break it down. The first step on your journey to getting smarter is all about setting up routines. These routines are like the building blocks that’ll help you reach your goal.

So, what you want to do is identify the activities and tasks that can help boost your brainpower. Once you’ve got those figured out, systematize them and make them a regular part of your day-to-day life.

Now, remember the list of principles and habits we talked about earlier? Use those to shape your routines. Think of it like adding layers to your routine cake!

But here’s the thing: don’t expect overnight miracles. Becoming smarter isn’t something that happens in the blink of an eye. It’s more like a marathon than a sprint. So, be patient with yourself and stick to your routines. Over time, all those little efforts will add up, and you’ll start to see some real progress.

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Zig Ziglar

Believe In Yourself

There’s no magic button you can press to instantly become smarter. It’s all about putting in consistent effort over time. Strive for progress, not perfection.

Becoming smarter is like planting a garden. You can’t expect to have a full-grown garden overnight. It takes regular watering, nurturing, and patience to see those little seeds grow into something beautiful.

So, don’t be too hard on yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? Instead of aiming for perfection, focus on making progress bit by bit. Believe in yourself and trust that with consistent practice, you’ll improve mental efficiency and get smarter over time. It’s all about the journey, not just the destination!

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